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Tomboy Slut

  Tomboy Slut

  by A.V. Roe

  Copyright © 2014 by A.V. Roe

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, transcribing, or other electronic or mechanical means, without the express written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This novel is a work of fiction in the erotica genre. Everything in this story obtains from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Warning To Reader

  This story is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It is sexually explicit.

  This is smut. I assume the reader knows what the definition of smut is. If you don't, Google it. A friend of mine once told me that smut is actually an acronym, Sex Must Ultimately Triumph.

  This story is definitely not G, nor even R rated. It has sexually explicit content, extremely explicit in most cases. All sexual situations depicted in this book are between consenting adults, over 18 years of age who are very secure in who they are.

  It includes, but is not limited to, graphically detailed fucking in multiple positions between heterosexual partners, bisexual partners, lesbian partners, homosexual partners, interracial partners and some interesting combinations of same. They may consummate their desires for one another by more fornicating than you've ever thought about. Clearly you've thought about it; otherwise, you wouldn't bother reading smut. Come on, be honest, you read salacious fantasy stories to get that tug in your sexual apparatus and to be aroused and wet, male or female, which is primarily the definition of erotica. (e·rot·i·ca: Literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire.)

  The characters in this story are fictional, entirely a figment of my imagination.

  ISBN: 9781311635310

  (V1.2: 11/20/2014)


  To Horny Sluts Everywhere

  Tomboy Or Not

  Claiming Danny

  The sun peeked over Powell Butte as First Officer (FO) Gus McChord performed his preflight inspection of the big DHC Q-400 turboprop on the apron at Redmond, OR. Late Spring on the high desert saw the sun rise early, casting long shadows from the equipment parked on the ramp: aircraft, tugs, GPU's, trucks, etc. The temperature was tolerable, although you could barely see your breath. However, it warmed the skin despite the cold and Gus felt comfortable in his regular uniform jacket as he examined every pertinent part of the airplane he would copilot to Seattle today. He hoped Capt. Marylinn Dorset would share pilot flying duties so he could log a takeoff and landing. She usually did and he enjoyed flying with her since she was easy on the eyes, had an outgoing personality and was an exceedingly competent stick.

  As he rounded the tail and approached the engine to examine it, he noticed the androgynous ramp rat again, the one that intrigued him. He was pretty sure the person was a she, the way her hair curled around dainty ears under her baseball cap. She was casually leaning against the Ground Power Unit (GPU) used to help start the engines, and also supplied power to the aircraft while on the ground so as not to drain the batteries. Her eyes always followed him. For the last several months she'd taken care of the GPU for their morning starts, unhooking it when the engines were running and pushing it out of the way. Then, she'd always salute them before they turned to taxi for takeoff.

  The ramp rat was alluring, tall, rail thin, yet definitely had an ass bulging a bit in the coveralls, and breasts that barely pushed out the sides and top of the bib. This morning an uncontrollable urge compelled him to introduce himself. He'd thought about it before, but had never summoned enough courage to approach her. After he completed inspecting the right wing, engine, propeller and nose of the airplane where the airspeed sensors were located, he walked towards the GPU instead of rounding the nose and climbing into the airplane.

  "Good morning. My name is Gus."

  Danny Goodwin stood straight and proud with a beguiling smile, sparkling, clear eyes and extended her hand. She no longer cared that she was tall for a girl and looked like a tomboy because of her small tits and ass.

  "Glad to meet you, Gus, I'm Danny."

  And Danny was damned glad to meet Gus. She'd been scoping him ever since one of the flight attendants she was having a fling with answered her questions about him when she'd noticed him soon after hiring on six months ago.

  "Danny. Pleased to meet you. Are you new to the company? Or did you transfer from somewhere else in the system?"

  Dani, possibly Danni. He mulled the name over in his mind, liking the ring of it, how it seemed to fit her.

  "Nope. New employee, but I'm from around here. My family lives in the area."

  Gus was glad he'd approached her. She had an infectious smile, was cuter than a bug's ear in a Taylor Swift sort of way, had a pleasant voice and the most mesmerizing hazel eyes which contrasted beautifully with her light brown pixie cut hair.

  "I've noticed you the past couple of months. Like the friendly salute you do after disconnecting the GPU. Glad your part of my ground crew."

  Taking what appeared to be a business card from her pocket, Danny presented it to Gus.

  "I only salute your airplane, Gus."

  Her face reflected sincerity about only saluting him. Hesitating because the next statement was a doozy, she made every effort to quell the intense flutter in her pelvis. She'd never propositioned a man. A woman yes, but never a man.

  "I know you get in late when the aircraft is parked overnight, but if you call me, I'll pick you up. — And yes, I'm hitting on you."

  Gus put the card in his shirt pocket without looking at it, believing it only had her phone number.

  Sporting a friendly smile to mask his pleasant surprise, he pondered the bold request from the darling, pixie tomboy.

  "Hmm. OK, sure. I'd like to spend time with you."

  He winked, turned and walked back to the Q-400 and boarded with a little extra bounce in his step. When the big turboprop turned to taxi out, Danny saluted, and today, Gus saluted back with a warm rush in his heart — and his cock, which surprised the hell out of him because it'd never happened before when he was in the cockpit.

  Damn, that cute pixie sure had an effect on me, he thought before his attention refocused to the job at hand — though it occurred to him that he'd like to use his hand to relieve the need in his pants that she'd caused — WTF!

  * * *

  Back in his lonely apartment near Sea-Tac airport, after a couple more legs to places like Portland and Spokane, Gus hung up his uniform coat, hat and pants carefully and placed his tie on the closet door knob. Removing the emblems and stripes from his white shirt so he could launder it, he thought about the pixie who'd pleasantly tripped through his mind all day. Suddenly, he remembered the card she'd handed him on the ramp. Pulling it out and reading it caused him the same sexual rush he'd felt when she saluted, but an order of magnitude more powerful.


  Top or Bottom

  Call Danny


  Of late, the extent of Gus' sexual encounters consisted of visits to his local BDSM dungeon, Club Sound in Seattle, now and then to participate in kinky scene play or submissive training as a Dom, or using his hand while watching porn on his laptop. He was a trained Dom, but he'd never found a submissive he wanted to bring home to meet his cat, much less become involved with long term. Fantasy role playing relieved his physical need, for awhile, but his personal life was pretty hollow, only fulfilled by his love of flying.

  Perusing the card and flicking it against his palm nervously, he wondered if some cosmic intervention was being visited upon him, or perhaps Danny was a kook.
No matter, he was more intrigued than ever because she used the masculine version of her name. Though, after he pondered it, he felt it fit her perfectly being she was the cutest fucking tomboy he'd ever laid eyes on and his cock reminded him that it was definitely up for fucking her.

  So, he called, needing to know more about the enigma who'd entered his life.

  Danny noted the area code in the caller ID wasn't in Oregon. Hope it's Gus, she thought to herself.

  "Good evening. This is Danny," she answered in a sort of sexy tone, hoping it wasn't a personal call from someone she didn't know.

  "Hi Danny, it's Gus."

  "Oh! So nice to hear your voice, Gus. Thanks for thinking about me."

  He hesitated for a moment, not sure what to say, or better yet, what to ask. So he decided to be direct and respectful. There was no inflection in his voice when he spoke.

  "Are you serious?"

  "Yes, Gus."

  Pregnant pause.

  Actually, her concise answer pleased him immensely, because he felt it indicated she'd thought this through: handing a stranger a card informing him she was a slut. It cemented his belief that she was serious, thus causing an unexpected powerful twinge in his member and short-circuiting some erotic cortex.

  "OK. I have an overnight on Thursday. Pick me up at 11:30 PM."

  "Roger. I'll be at the curb in a red Dodge RAM pickup with a Bar G Ranch sign on the door."

  Another pregnant pause. Gus decided to go for broke.

  "Danny, I'm top."

  "Roger, Sir."

  "See you soon, then."

  "Look forward to servicing you, Sir. Goodnight, Gus."

  When Danny hung up, her heart was pounding, her hands were moist, her core had melted in liquid heat coating her thighs at the first sound of his voice, and her labia and clitoris were engorged with immediate need.

  Holy shit! she thought. He agreed! She pinched her clit, HARD. Fuck, I needed that. OK, I'm awake and that really happened. Gus called me.

  Needing relief NOW, she lubed her anal slider, inserted it, turned the vibrator on, got out her Big Black Cock dildo and got herself off ... multiple times until she was sexually spent, which is never easy for a nymphomaniac. Removing the slider, she replaced it with her favorite butt plug and fell asleep dreaming lasciviously about Gus tied to her bed and vice versa.

  Dimming his light, Gus laid back on pillows against his headboard and closed his eyes. Damn that tomboy has burrowed into my erotic mind like no one ever has, he thought. Without his laptop, just fantasizing about her, he jerked off, letting his cum spurt on his chest. Being orally fixated when it came to sex, he spread it around and licked it off his fingers, dreaming about orally copulating her to repeated orgasms while enjoying her nectar.

  * * *

  After checking to insure his flight was on time, Danny showered and prepared herself to meet Gus' needs. Fragrance was dabbed in key areas, she inserted a small butt plug, put her overalls on with nothing underneath and laced up her Fuck Me stilettos. She wore no makeup, ever, because she'd always been a tomboy, and she wasn't about to change for anyone. Placing anal lube, the black dildo and the anal slider on her nightstand completed her preparation. Donning a black fishnet panel jacket, she set out to pick Gus up.

  When he got in the truck and saw Danny, he whistled softly. Without a cap, she looked like a youthful teenager, an incredibly cute, jailbait tomboy.

  "Hello Gus. Nice to see you."

  "Hi Danny. It's more than nice to see you. Thanks for inviting me to spend time with you."

  Danny was sitting, angled towards Gus when he sat down, with her right arm on the back of the seats, open to him. Neither one hesitated, they leaned into each other and the kiss burned into the erotic core of both of them as their tongues danced together. It was no waltz, either, it was straight out of Dirty Dancing. Danny's hand was in Gus' hair immediately, holding his head to insure the kiss would linger. Of course, he was in no hurry to end it and had no intention of pulling away from her. In fact, when he leaned to kiss her, his right hand went behind her neck to reciprocate. The kiss had the intended effect; they were bound to each other when it ended. They both sensed there was no going back now.

  When Gus buckled up, Danny gunned the engine and drove off, breathing hard, flushing hot in her chest and her melting sex and Gus was hard as granite. Being a slut, Danny didn't dance around with formalities, she got to the point.

  "Our ranch is about fifteen minutes southeast. I'm clean and hope you are too, because I want you to fuck me senseless without protection."

  "Yes, I'm clean. I don't fuck around promiscuously, ever.

  "I'm intrigued. As a slut, what do you like in bed?"

  "In bed or out, I want to participate in your sexual fantasies and I hope you'll join mine. Gus, I don't want to limit our sex to the bedroom. I hope our encounters will happen everywhere, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car, indoors, outdoors, in public, anywhere you desire. I want to be used wherever and whenever you want to use me. I want to be your slut, really!"

  When she said, really, she glanced at him to gauge his reaction. He had a poker face, but at least she figured she hadn't scared him off — yet.

  "Any hard limits, Danny?"

  "Never slap my face. — Never."

  As she turned her head briefly to look at him when she said Never and let it trail off to a whisper, Gus thought he saw a haunting look of deep hurt in her eyes. Although the truck cab was dark, so the only light on her face came from the instrument panel, he was absolutely sure he heard pain in her voice. As quickly as the pain came, her voice returned to the normal angelic tone he loved.

  "When I'm submissive, my only hard limits are: no public or psychological humiliation, or, play or punishment that causes bleeding. Otherwise, erotic pain is my pleasure, some bruising is tolerable because I want you to use me as an object of your lust, and the rougher, the better so I know you are taking what you need. Since I want to be your slut, Gus, sexual degradation, especially vocal, during role playing is encouraged — I'd want you to talk dirty to me while you're banging my brains out. It heightens my arousal.

  "Fine, I agree to that too."

  Turning her head quickly again, she flicked her eyes at him, then immediately returned her focus to the road.

  "You'll allow me to be top?"

  "Of course, Danny. I'd never expect you to submit to something I wouldn't allow you to do to me. I enjoy switching anytime we're role playing together. I want to take you to the Seattle BDSM club I belong to, but they expect me to be a Dom at all times, since I work there. Until I met you, it was the only place I would go to for sex since I know everyone is clean. They require you to keep quarterly test results on file."


  "Do we need a safe word?"

  "To start with, we should probably agree on one. Until we're comfortable with each other. How about Mayday?"


  Gus was happy Danny said, Until we're comfortable with each other, indicating her desire to turn tonight into a relationship. He certainly hoped it wasn't a casual one night stand because he had an odd sense Danny was that someone special he'd been searching for.

  After passing a large house, she parked the truck behind her ranch house, which appeared to be ranch-hand quarters remodeled, small and simple. And seemingly in the middle of nowhere, although he could vaguely see some large buildings scattered about, just as on any ranch. Inside was also simple and spare, although he didn't have time to check it out because she was insistently leading him to the bedroom. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw her four poster, double bed. The size insured they would sleep close together, tangled in each other, and the posts were perfect for anchoring bondage hardware.

  "You may put clothes that require hanging in the closet on the left, Sir."

  Danny used the bathroom but didn't disrobe, while Gus hung up his jacket, hat, tie, uniform shirt, removed his shoes and waited in his undershirt. When she returned, she sto
od at the foot of the bed in submission, face and eyes down, hands behind her back while he headed for the bathroom with a small shaving kit.

  "Don't remove any clothes. I want to undress you, Slut."

  "Yes, Sir."

  Upon returning, Gus stood in front of Danny and with a finger under her chin, pulled her head up to face his. The finger remained as his thumb delicately stroked her chin and bottom lip. In her heels, she was a mite taller than he, which reminded him again what a delight she was going to be to fuck standing up.

  Since her eyes were still averted in perfect submission, he said, "Look at me, Danny."

  As they gazed into each others eyes, his lips grazed hers, and his tongue explored them as he caressed her arms. Her lips tasted wonderful, cherry with a hint of mint when her tongue licked his. Every sexual part of her flushed hot in anticipation and her nipples hardened. So did Gus' cock as he removed her jacket and found bare shoulders; she wasn't wearing a shirt and probably no bra.

  Unlatching the shoulder straps of the overalls allowed them to fall off her body and she stepped out of them, nude. Gus inhaled audibly at the exquisite body standing before him. His eyes slowly raked her from head to toe. Danny watched them, damn glad he approved of what he saw. After all, she was of rather unusual stature and build: tall, thin, straight, angular but with hips that flared from a slim, long waist into a small heart shaped, hard ass. Though, her breasts were on the small side cupwise, they were large around and would fill the hand of most men. They stood prominently without sagging whatsoever and were capped with larger than average, light brown areolas centered by big, inviting, pink nipples that were hard, aroused nubs at the moment. Her vulva was smooth and glistening, in fact, laser trimmed, but she'd left untouched the curly, soft, almost blond hair on her mons because she wasn't just another soft woman. She considered herself a tomboy and proud of it; she'd just matured enough to like boys as sexual creatures.